My personal nickname for the new silver Bible is "66 Shades of Gray." I think that's apropos for several reasons. Most jW's won't get the reference. Those that do probably won't admit it.
under the radar
JoinedPosts by under the radar
I need some help
by RedRightHand infor purely informational purposes, i am planning a visit to a local kingdom hall.
it has been years since i've set foot in one and i need to know what the current terminology is so i don't stick out like a sore thumb.
what are the studying?
Reading the Bible Alone "Will Lead you to Apostate Thinkings!" Stay a Watchtowerite!
by BucketShopBill in"from time to time, there have arisen from among the ranks of jehovah's people those, who, like the original satan, have adopted an independent, faultfinding attitude...they say that it is sufficient to read the bible exclusively, either alone or in small groups at home.
but, strangely, through such 'bible reading,' they have reverted right back to the apostate doctrines that commentaries by christendom's clergy were teaching 100 years ago.
the watchtower, aug. 15, 1981.. .
under the radar
Hmmm... Let me see if I got this straight...
Jesus said that where two or three are gathered in his name, he would be there.
Reading the Bible in small groups inevitably leads one to certain beliefs about what the Bible teaches.
These beliefs conflict with what certain organizations now teach, but agree with what many scholars over the centuries also thought it meant.
What possible conclusion might we draw from this?
The Society says these people independently reaching similar conclusions must all be wrong and such gatherings centered on the Bible alone must be prohibited.
What is wrong with this picture?
under the radar
bigmac: I love that tag! Very creative.
Simon: I know exactly what you mean. My Extremely Signficant Other just doesn't get it. But she is so wonderful in every other way I just let it pass.
First Week Of College Was AWESOME!!!!
by Yondaime ini made so many new friends on campus this week!
got my study schedule layed out, and i joined a band!
(i play guitar) it feels so good to be at a place where people aren't judgemental and fake.
under the radar
Congratulations, YONDAIME! Enjoy your time at college. If you're like most of us, you'll look back on these years as some of the best of your life.
'Big Eyes' Movie is the story of art couple Margaret (an XJW) and Walter Keane
by AndersonsInfo in
tim burton 'big eyes' movie tells the story of art couple margaret and walter keane.
tim burton, a filmmaker known for his own brand of ghoulish cartoon characters, is taking on the world of wide-eyed artist, margaret keane, in a new movie aptly titled "big eyes.".
under the radar
Thanks for the heads up. I'll be looking for that movie to come out.
Want to make Money $ with a Web Site?
by sarahsmile inhas anyone had success with a high traffic website or blog ?.
it might take a team of people to accomplish.. ads pay and people count, lots and lots of people.
does make money every time someone looks at the web site?
under the radar
There is nothing at all wrong with making money from hosting a web site. Nobody forces anyone to visit this site. Simon doesn't run any "come on" ads to entice people here. One has to look for this site to even find it. Even then, anyone is free to peruse the public areas before deciding whether or not to become a registered user. Even a brief look will tell a visitor all they need to know about the tone and tenor of what goes on here. No one of even average intelligence could possibly be deceived about the purpose of this site.
JWN is an absolutely invaluable resource for those who have been affected by the Watchtower Society. Some have suffered greatly at the hands of the Watchtower and its adherents, some not at all, but I think it's safe to say that all have been affected to some degree in one way or another. Sharing our experiences, our ups and downs, and just plain venting to others who can truly understand is a great relief to many of us. Who knows how many mental or emotional breakdowns have been prevented or at least ameliorated by coming here to find a listening ear and a caring heart? How many lifelong friendships have begun right here on the common grounds of shared experience?
My hat's off to Simon and his wife Angharad for making this site available. They probably won't, but I hope they make a mint off it. I'm quite sure no one really knows how much time and attention it takes to keep this site up and running. Not to mention how much money it must take for computers, servers, web access, etc. I don't begrudge them a cent! In fact, sometimes I click on ads I'm not even interested in just because I know Simon gets a little something every time I do. I'm glad Simon hasn't had to implement a membership or subscription fee yet, but if he did, I would gladly contribute. Now don't get any ideas, Simon! That's just a last resort.
Bottom line: You don't have to like the attitudes or opinions expressed here. Feel free to express yourself, as long as you can do so with a modicum of civility and without name-calling or denigrating others just because they don't agree with you. If you can't do that, don't bother to come here. We can get along quite well without you.
The government should TAX the WT for the social services spent on JW's.
by EndofMysteries insince there is an abundant supply of literature where the gb tell members not to get education, not to plan for retirement, not to worry about their health, all vs doing more literature peddling, perhaps the government should stick a monthly bill to the wt for the social services, retirement, welfare, medicaid, etc, that is being spent on members because of their insisting that they don't take care of themselves and plan for the future.
how quickly would 'new light' come that each member should plan for retirement, should get good schooling, etc??
under the radar
I agree 100% with Phizzy. All religious organizations should pay taxes like any other business. That includes contributions they receive, property they own, businesses they run, etc., etc. I also agree that true charities that actually help people should remain tax-free, even if they are run by religious groups. This should NOT include organizations that hide behind the false cloak of a "charity" like the JWs do in the UK. Their "educational" work is not charity in any sense. It is only given to those who accept "Bible studies," and then only as long as the person accepts JW dogma without question.
Also, all religious organizations as well as charities should be required to make their financial statements and tax returns public so people can see exactly where their money is going. The government could do that right now without much of a social upheaval. There is absolutely no reason why any tax-free organization should not have to disclose its financial information.
Any Experience with a Nook, the Barnes and Noble e-reader
by Band on the Run inmy nook has been so much fun.
the nook was chosen b/c you could get in store support.
i was always driving to barnes and noble in the beginning.
under the radar
Band on the Run: I don't know whether this could be your problem, but my Significant Other had a similar issue with some Kindle books she had bought on Amazon. On her Kindle app, she couldn't find certain books she knew she had bought. They weren't even listed under her Amazon account. We emailed Amazon about her disappearing books and they discovered the problem. It turned out that she had inadvertently used her email address to set up 2 different accounts with the same user ID but with different passwords. She set up the second one when she wanted to buy something and forgot she already had an account. Anyway, the solution was simple. Amazon combined the accounts and she selected which password she wanted to use with the new combined account.
Good luck.
Comments on Tonight's Investigation Discovery Program
by jamiebowers in
i made my comment.
hopefully as many who are able will do the same.. edited to add: once the commercial is over and the video starts, you can pause it and click on comments read what's already been written and add what you have to say.
under the radar
I posted mine, for whatever good it will do...
Have you ever been called for Jury Duty? before or after registering to vote?
by EndofMysteries ini've never been called for jury duty and i'm not yet registered to vote, although i'm hoping to get that done this month.
i know someone who within a few months of registering to vote was called for jury duty.
i've read some articles that said voter records 'used' to be used to call on people but that was a thing of the past.
under the radar
I got called sometime back in the early 1990's when I lived in TN and had never registered to vote. That was before the "new light" came out that serving as a juror was a "conscience matter," but I served anyway. I guess I was "running ahead of Jehovah's chariot." Ha ha.
Now I live in NH and am most definitely registered to vote, but have not been called for jury duty yet. I will serve when called if at all possible. I think it is a privilege and a civic duty.